Stop Taking Fitness So Serious(All Of The Time)!

Stop Taking Fitness So Serious(All Of The Time)!
By Travis Darr

Fitness is supposed to make our lives better, right? Give us more energy to chase the kiddos around, a healthy cardiovascular system for overall health, and who doesn't want to look good naked?  But what happens when this gets taken too far? When there truly is no joy in it anymore? 

I've seen it before and it is truly a sad sight. I've been there. I used to take fitness SOOOO serious all of the time, that it was hindering my life in other facets. I wouldn't eat certain things EVER because I was in fear that it would inhibit my goals. All "bad" foods were shunned and I refused to eat them. Ever. There was no enjoying a slice of pizza on a Friday night with my daughter. I never took my girlfriend at the time out to eat because I couldn't control the macros or what was going into my food. What kind of life is that? I was totally burnt out for a bit.

I think it's so important to your fitness journey(that has no finish line) to understand periodization and knowing what cycles are and how to intelligently implement this thinking into your fitness routine. No, I'm not talking about your bike. I'm talking about cycling periods of strict and more extreme training and nutrition with periods of relaxed and loose training and nutrition.

Extreme is NOT synonymous with dangerous. And I am not encouraging you to completely just fall off and stop training or caring about your nutrition. What I am encouraging you to do is find periods of time to really be intense with your training and nutrition meticulously to reach your goals. Tracking every macro and making every rep count! Every cardio session is crucial, tracked by calories burned or time period. Ramped up or scaled back to reach the goal. It's like a recipe. You have to know what is going into the food(no pun intended) to know what the outcome will be. 

But then, sometimes you've got to just relax. With ALL of it. This is where the balance comes! Have periods where you can let your hair down and enjoy some ice cream. Where it doesn't matter if you decide to go take that Crossfit class for your cardio session instead of hopping on the treadmill for 30 minutes of LISS or 300 calories burned. A little "soul cookin" if you will. ;)  It is the cycling of these periods that make fitness an amazing journey. A fun journey. And a journey of balance. Which leads to better adherence long-term and better RESULTS! 

Finding that balance is what makes the difference between a person who is successful in their health and fitness journey and those who aren't. I encourage you to understand balance and implement it into your health and fitness journey!

-Travis Darr

P.S. Are you having issues finding balance in your health and fitness journey and don't know where to start? Shoot me an e-mail at or message me. I love answering questions and interacting with you guys! 


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